Book review: John’s Gospel, The Way It Happened
by Lee Harmon
John’s Gospel, the sequel to my book about Revelation, is drawing higher praise than the first book. A few readers disliked the haphazardness of Revelation, so I made an effort with John to better integrate the scripture and commentary into the story. The result: Far more five-star reviews than any other rating, and not a single negative rating yet on any venue I’ve discovered.
So I’m pleased and feeling a little braggy! I’ll repost reviews in detail as I have opportunity, directing readers to review sites, but here are a few one-liners from recent reviews I’ve read:
“WOW!!! Are you ready to truly be opened up to the Gospel of John…if so this book by Lee Harmon will open it up in ways that will lead you to wanting more!!” –Faith, Hope & Love
“… a work of enlightening and inspiring prose that makes the Bible accessible to anyone. I recommend it highly.” –Vic’s Media Room
“An amazing mix of fiction, fact, question, speculation and research; a beautifully set-out volume with every side-track perfectly timed; and a fascinating novel that engages mind heart and soul, John’s Gospel is a book I could hardly put down, and one I highly recommend.” –Sheila Deeth
“Brilliantly written … Very interesting, educational and thought provoking.” –My Book Addiction and More
“Harmon invites readers to experience the Bible the way they were meant to—through the eyes of the men who wrote it—and interprets it in a way that spiritually inspires and reveals the universal humanitarian philosophies espoused by Jesus.” –My Devotional Thoughts
“In this wonderful new book by Lee Harmon, readers are able to look at the Gospel of John through different eyes.” –Books and Such
“Harmon writes with passion grounded in intelligence and a profound background on the subject which not only makes the book educational but entertaining. –Vicki Liston
“I liked this book well enough that I’m planning on checking out Revelation – The Way it Happened as well!” –Motherhood Moment

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