Luke 19:26-27, Killing the Unfaithful

“He replied, ‘I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but as for the one who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away. But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them–bring them here and kill them in front of me.'”  

//Today’s verses conclude Jesus’ parable about the nobleman who went away into a far county, and left silver pieces to ten slaves. One of them was unfaithful, and didn’t invest the money to earn more. From this unfaithful servant, the nobleman takes even the one silver piece that he has and gives it to another.

Then Jesus concludes the parable with this lesson: If you don’t want me to be king over you, then come here and die in front of me.

Harsh, eh? What is Jesus talking about? The answer lies just a few verses later, when we realize this parable has been a lead-in to Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem. As Jesus tops the Mount of Olives and looks down on Jerusalem, he weeps over what is to be their fate:

As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said, “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace–but now it is hidden from your eyes. The days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment against you and encircle you and hem you in on every side. They will dash you to the ground, you and the children within your walls. They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you.” –verses 41-44.

This, of course, happened 40 years later in the war of 67-70 CE when the Romans overran Jerusalem. In Luke’s parable, Jesus is looking ahead to the destruction of Jerusalem and warning his listeners that if they cannot accept him as king, they will soon be slaughtered.


  1. Richard

    If this were a politician running for president and they were to say something like this, most likely they would be arrested for making threats. As it says in Matthew 5: 43-45 about how we are suppose to forgive our enemies, Jesus just contradicts himself and proves he’s a hypocrite by expecting more out of us then what he expects out of himself.

    • Jesus submitted & obeyed his Father to the point of death on a cross so as followers, we submit to God’s will & plan for our lives in the same way, knowing & trusting that he will be there with us through it all. There’s really no other way to live if you desire the true riches of peace & joy. Even if following Jesus meant dying on a cross, hypocrite could not describe him because not only did he die on a cross but he felt the full, unimaginable wrath of God against the sins of the entire world.

    • Jesus isn’t “running” for king. He IS the king, just not in the worldly manner that people had thought all of the prophecies were saying it to happen back in the day. Most people back then were expecting some macho man to role up and rule Jerusalem because they heard he was a king. They just didn’t understand it meant king of the world in a none-ruling sense because he always gives us a choice to follow him or not. Also, Jesus is not a hypocrite. He’s not threatening the people. He’s simply telling them what’s going to happen. If it was a threat, he would say “if you don’t kill me, you’ll be free, but if you do, I will kill you all”. He simply is stating that they can not see what is going to happen. Jesus knows that he had to die for our sins and is warning the people of what is going to happen next. He’s more so saying “since I am about to die for all of you with love, please see this and come spend eternity with me and tell others. I don’t want you to go to hell”. Also, if you read further in the Bible, Jesus says right before he dies “Lord forgive them, for they know not what they have done”. No one without God could say such a thing about people who brutally beat and humiliated and killed someone for hours. He forgave immediately and asked God to forgive them as well for killing his son. So no, Jesus is not a hypocrite. But he does expect us to forgive people the same way he forgave. It just takes a lot more time for us to get to that point sometimes and he understands and is incredibly patient with us.

    • Jesus uses hyperbole a lot in His parables, to show extreme exaggeration. He also uses parables to in a way confuse and make the people against Him even more hardened to him to distinct between who are his people and who are not, even in this day His techniques still work…

    • Wow! Jesus the Christ, 100% man and 100% God. You might want to be careful when it comes to calling Him a hypocrite and do a little study on the fear of the Lord.

    • You’re the hipocrite and understood nothing, what you said doesn’t even make sense

  2. Are you guys high? Jesus is telling a story about a King…this isnt Jesus speaking about himself.

  3. Are you guys high?? Do you even know what this story is about…Jesus is telling a parable of a King, he is not speaking about himself.

  4. And yes, he speaks of the fate of the Jews….look at history, they havent been treated the best, have they.

    • Honest liberty

      Probably because they deserved every single response they provoked. Every. Single. Time.

  5. Albert

    I want to know the meaning of Luke 19, 26-27!..
    Is Jesus saying to bring his enemies and kill them in front of him?!..

  6. Luke 19,26

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