Bible scholar and liberal Christian Lee Harmon is offering free copies of his books–your choice of John’s Gospel: The Way It Happened (2013) or Revelation: The Way It Happened (2010). Every entry has a one in twenty chance of winning!

Here’s how to enter:

  1. Share this page via your favorite social media sites. It’s as easy as clicking on the Share/Save button on the bottom of the page.
  2. Click on the links to drop us an email telling us how you shared! We don’t track your shares, so it’s on the honor system.

It’s that simple! Enter as many times as you want, but only one entry per social media per day, and you may only win once. If you are a winner, we’ll contact you to get your mailing address, and get a signed copy in the mail to you! (Postage charges apply outside the U.S. and Canada.)

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(If you have any difficulty with these links, just send us an email at lharmon@thewayithappened to tell us how you shared.)